Energize Your Life - 4 classes with Gyandev McCord
Gyandev McCord
Volume 2 - Double DVD
Four 45+-minute Ananda Yoga® classes
with Nayaswami Gyandev
True success requires high energy plus the ability to focus that energy.
These classes help you develop both. They also show you how to use
that higher level of energy in Yoga practice, and throughout your life.
1. Awaken Your Energy—Learn in detail the uniquely powerful
Energization Exercises of Paramhansa Yogananda.
2. Become an Energy Magnet—Expand your Energization
practice, and add pranayama to draw even more energy.
3. Full Energization Plus—Use Energization to experience a
more dynamic, more ful¬ lling Yoga practice.
4. The Secret of High Energy—Add a powerful mental
component to supercharge your practice, and your life.