Conversations with Yogananda (Hindi)

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This is an unparalleled firsthand account of Paramhansa Yogananda and his teachings, written by one of his closest students. Yogananda is one of the world's most widely known and universally respected spiritual masters. His Autobiography of a Yogi has helped stimulate a spiritual awakening in the West and a spiritual renaissance in his native land of India.

More than half a century ago, in a hilltop ashram in Los Angeles, California, an American disciple sat at the feet of his Master, faithfully recording his words as his teacher had asked him to do. Paramhansa Yogananda knew this disciple would carry his message to people everywhere.

Kriyananda was often present when Yogananda spoke privately with other close disciples; when he received visitors and answered their questions; when he was dictating and discussing his important writings. Yogananda put Kriyananda in charge of the other monks, and gave him advice for their spiritual development. In all these situations, Kriyananda recorded the words and guidance of Yogananda, preserving for the ages wisdom that would otherwise have been lost, and giving us an intimate glimpse of life with Yogananda never before shared by any other student.

These Conversations include not only Yogananda's words as he first spoke them, but also the added insight of an intimate disciple who has spent more than 50 years reflecting on and practicing the teachings of Yogananda. Through these Conversations, Yogananda comes alive. Time and space dissolve. We sit at the feet of the Master, listen to his words, receive his wisdom, delight in his humor, and are transformed by his love.

What Others Are Saying

"Not many theologians can speak of Conscious bliss from a place of personal experience. Paramhansa Yogananda, a renowned twentieth-century spiritual teacher . . . can. His personal authority lends dramatic credibility to concepts and methods for spiritual aspirants from any tradition, from uncertain agnostics to fervent believers."

ForeWord magazine

"Yogananda reaches out to everyperson and therein lies his natural and powerful attraction. He speaks to the deep well of wisdom within and beckons us to our highest calling."

Michael Toms, Co-Founder of New Dimensions Radio, author of A Time for Choices and True Work

"As a bright light shining in the midst of darkness, so was Yogananda's presence in this world. Such a great soul comes on earth only rarely, when there is a real need among men."

His Holiness, the Shankaracharya of Kanchipuram

"A rare gem of inestimable value, the like of whom the world is yet to witness, Paramhansa Yogananda has been an ideal representative of the ancient sages and seers, the glory of India."

Swami Sivananda, founder of Divine Life Society, Rishikesh, India

"There is a clarity in Yogananda's words that transcends our superficial differences, a purity that reflects the timeless heart of that true spirituality that underlies and unites all of us."

Ken Carey, author of The Third Millenium

"Every once in a while, a great messenger comes to remind us of the purpose of our existence . . . . One of those messengers was Paramhansa Yogananda."

Franco Battiato, musician, composer, film director

"I met Yogananda when he came to India in 1935. . . . Master became very close to me and I had the opportunity to spend many days with him, gaining enormous benefits from his spiritual knowledge, his greatness, and his deep love for everyone . . . . With great joy, I found all those qualities in Conversations with Yogananda, a masterwork of great value, which transmits Yogananda’s inspiration faithfully. Swami Kriyananda did a wonderful job, and I am sure this book will be of great benefit to all who read it."

Hare Krishna Ghosh, Paramhansa Yogananda’s nephew

"A treasure of knowledge, wisdom, devotion, and humor. . . this is one of those books to keep on your night table and check constantly, whether in difficult or happy moments."

Paola Giovetti, writer, journalist, editor of Light and Shadow magazine

"This book is a precious invitation to spiritual awakening. Read it . . . and you will receive love and wisdom."

Giorgio Cerquetti, PhD, founder of Vegetarian International, philosopher, spiritual researcher

"Swami Kriyananda, direct disciple of Paramhansa Yogananda, transmits with extreme clarity the wisdom of this great, enlightened master, whose wonderful messages lead us toward union with the eternal light of God."

Dr. Nader Butto, MD, cardiologist, alternative medicine expert, author of the bestseller Il Settimo Senso (The Seventh Sense)

"Conversations with Yogananda is a synchronistic event. The spiritual maturity which Swami Kriyananda has reached made the realization of this book possible. . . . Every thought expressed, every fact recorded in this book—through an alchemical process—interacts with the reader’s consciousness and elevates his awareness. Conversations with Yoganandahas the power to bring a new equilibrium to this planet."

Sabrina Parsi, yoga instructor, journalist, biopranotherapist

"I had the feeling that in this Swami’s dialogues there was a construction of thought built on . . . an awareness present everywhere."

Professor Vittorio Marchi, quantum physicist

"Our thanks to Swami Kriyananda for keeping alive for all of us, these words of his beloved master Paramhansa Yogananda. Once again we are amazed by the simplicity of heartfelt wisdom, and the truth which takes us by the hand and shows us the way to deep happiness."

Giacomo Campiotti, film director

"Conversations with Yogananda picks up where The Essence of Self-Realization left off. Once again, Swami Kriyananada has delved into his old notebooks in which he had faithfully recorded his master's words, gathered the pearls lying there, polished them off, and laid them out under a brilliant light for our appreciation and edification. Once again, Paramhansa Yogananda manifests a supremely subtle grasp of deep spiritual truths and how they apply to various situations of daily life. I cannot conceive of a better introduction to the mind and heart of Yogananda. This book is a treasure trove. If your goal is to grow spiritually, get a copy now."

Richard Salva, author of The Reincarnation of Abraham Lincoln and Walking with William of Normandy: A Paramhansa Yogananda Pilgrimage Guide


Language: Hindi

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