Metaphysical Meditations (Book)
Metaphysical Meditations is a beloved classic book of the great yoga master, Paramhansa Yogananda (1893-1952), author of Autobiography of a Yogi. First published in 1932, then revised in 1952, this version of Metaphysical Meditations is faithful to the original writing of Yoganandaji, with all his deep inspiration, uniquely and eloquently expressed. He makes spiritual wisdom seem both natural and accessible to all readers. God and our higher Self become “the nearest of the near, and the dearest of the dear.” His words in this book remain with us, loved and remembered, reverberating within our hearts and minds, reassuring us with love and strength. At the bedside, by the meditation asan, and while traveling—one can choose no greater companion than Metaphysical Meditations.

Metaphysical Meditations (Book)
Sale priceRs. 150.00
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