Revelations of Christ
Paramhansa Yogananda was sent to the West by Jesus Christ himself to restore the original Christian teachings among his followers. This book clarifies the core of Jesus' basic message: that one's true identity is not that of a sinner, but a child of God indwelt by His divine presence.
Recently, The Da Vinci Code took the fictionalization of Christianity to dizzying new heights, precipitating a spiritual crisis for millions of believers worldwide. But The Da Vinci Code is only the latest in what has become a near-constant questioning of long-cherished religious beliefs. For years our faith has been severely shaken by a growing series of attacks, including: the breakdown of church authority, the repeated discovery of ancient texts that supposedly contradict long-held beliefs, and the sometimes outlandish historical analyses of scripture by academics.
Together, these forces have helped create a spiritual vacuum filled with substantial confusion and uncertainty about the true teachings and meanings of Christ's life. The rising tide of alternative beliefs proves that now, more than ever, people are yearning for a clear-minded, convincing, yet uplifting understanding of the life and teachings of Jesus Christ.
This galvanizing book, presenting the teachings of Christ from the experience and perspective of Paramhansa Yogananda, one of the greatest spiritual masters of the twentieth century, finally offers the fresh perspective on Christ's teachings for which the world has been waiting. This book gives us an opportunity to understand and apply the scriptures in the most reliable way: by studying under those saints who have communed directly, in deep ecstasy, with Christ and God.
What Others Are Saying |
"This book is a great gift to humanity. It is a spiritual treasure to cherish deep in the heart, and to pass on to children for generations. This remarkable and magnificent book brings us to the doorway of a deeper, richer embracing of Eternal Truth. At once crystal clear and wonderfully insightful, we are invited to move through that doorway into a place of gloriously larger views of Jesus and God and of Life Itself than many of us have ever been blessed to behold." —Neale Donald Walsch, author of Conversations with God "Kriyananda's revelatory book gives us the enlightened, timeless wisdom of Jesus the Christ in a way that addresses the challenges of twenty-first century living." —Michael Beckwith, Founder and Spiritual Director, Agape International Spiritual Center, author of Inspirations of the Heart "Revelations of Christ helps us rediscover the original meaning and majesty of the teachings of Jesus Christ, with a clarity and simplicity that transcends theological nitpicking. In a world seemingly intent on sacrificing itself on the altar of religious extremism, this timeless, unifying message is urgently needed." —Larry Dossey, MD, author of The Extraordinary Healing Power of Ordinary Things "Reading Revelations of Christ is like having a dialog with our Creator about the meaning of Jesus' life, actions, and teaching. The closing sentence of the book says it all: 'The more you tune into [Christ's] deep message, the more you will know that only one thing matters in life: selfless, divine love, like that of an eternal child for his Heavenly Father, and for his Divine Friend.'" —Bernie Siegel, MD, author of 365 Prescriptions for the Soul "This is a wonderful book for people who want to understand the similarities between the spiritual teachings of East and West; of Christianity and Hinduism. This book offers Christians a deeper understanding of the teachings of yoga, and likewise gives Hindus a more in-depth approach to Christianity. Swami Kriyananda is an inspiring teacher who carries on the tradition of his guru, Paramhansa Yogananda." —Terry Cole-Whittaker, DD, Founder of Adventures in Enlightenment, author of Dare to Be Great "Revelations of Christ is simply marvelous. I have asked myself how Swami Kriyananda could write with such simplicity, beauty, and inspiration. The explanation, I feel, is that his great master writes through him. The profundity and lucidity of this book acts like a clear mirror, reflecting the greatness of Christ's teaching as proclaimed by Paramhansa Yogananda." —Swami Nikhilananda Saraswati, Head of the Chinmaya Mission, New Delhi, India, author of Miracles of Prayer "The beauty of this book is that Kriyananda gives the average person permission to search for themselves, to read this book and begin to knowJesus as He truly is—a living, tangible Holy Teacher. A very timely book for the world, and for those seeking to know Jesus personally." —Reverend Paula T. Webb, Founder and President, National InterFaith Council, author of Creating Perfect Relationships "Jesus, a great spiritual master, or the only son of God? This is the book that church authorities may not want you to read, but if you do, the Christ light will shine through you brighter than before." —Rev. Christian Sorensen, DD, Seaside Center for Spiritual Living, Encinitas, California "A profound and highly original perspective on the teachings of Christ. Based on the work of one of the most beloved spiritual masters of the twentieth century, Revelations of Christ suggests how the ancient insights of yoga can inspire a fresh understanding of Christianity." —Richard Smoley, author of Inner Christianity: A Guide to the Esoteric Tradition "A treasure of spiritual insight. Swami Kriyananda, wasting no words, but in modern language stripped of theological and intellectual aridity, opens wide many doors onto sacred wisdom that have long been closed. Chapter after chapter, with down-to-earth reasoning and unprecedented clarity, this book transports the reader into a multidimensional world of the spirit. It makes even abstract concepts tangible. "This is a wonderfully rich volume, and has the potential to reach a wide public: Christians and non-Christians alike, scientists, psychologists, and even those whose special focus is the arts." —Donatella Caramia, Professor of Neurology, University of Rome Tor Vergata "Swami Kriyananda conveys Yogananda's spiritual wisdom of universal love that transcends the dogmatic doctrines and limitations of any particular religion. . . . instills hope and inspiration for everyone who has grown cynical and weary of the self-serving, politicized misrepresentations of Christ's profound revelations." —Kenneth Pelletier, PhD, MD, Clinical Professor of Medicine, author of New Medicine: Complete Family Health Guide "Swami Kriyananda's meditations on Christ point to the 'cave of the heart,' the meeting-point of Christian contemplatives with the realizations of India's rishis. I pray that his readers may enter that deep, still point and discover Christ, 'in [Whom] dwelleth all the fullness of the Godhead bodily.'" —Father Thomas Matus, Director, Incarnation Monastery, author of Yoga and the Jesus Prayer Tradition "Revelations of Christ by Swami Kriyananda comes to us as a 'tour de force' of wisdom. The universality of Christ consciousness as seen through this all-embracing vision rings aloud page after page. Here is truth, not doctrine. Here is peace beyond understanding." —Roger Montgomery, Leader, Spirit of Peace Monastic Community, co-author of The Sacred Light of Healing "Anytime we have a chance to relook at the man and the message of Jesus Christ we should do so. This history-changing message or gospel is as relevant now as it ever was. Yogananda captures the Eternal Truth of the Eternal Christ." —Rev. Kathianne Lewis, Center for Spiritual Living, author of 40 Days to Freedom "Truly inspired writing. The inner meaning of Jesus' teaching is revealed by a writer whose insights come from direct, inner communion with God. Speaking from outside the confines of Christianity, he voices Christian truths from a level, not of dogmatic faith, but of divine realization. While acknowledging the divinity of Jesus, his emphasis is clearly on our privilege, even our duty as children of God, to realize we too are projections of God's consciousness." —Rev. Robert H. Henderson, DD, Church of Spiritual Living "In its simplicity and practical commonsense it plumbs the depth of the perennial insights that surround every great prophet in history—and especially the figure of Jesus the Christ. There had to be one from outside the official fold of Christendom to undertake the daring task of going straight to the source without the detour of official doctrine. . . . Every reader, whether Christian or not, owes a deep debt of gratitude to Kriyananda, and his master, Yogananda." —Ervin Laszlo, PhD, Nominee for the Nobel Peace Prize, author of Science and the Reenchantment of the Cosmos "I believe that every sincere seeker of truth will benefit from reading this book. I expect it to become a force of illumination for all mankind. I feel myself uplifted even in writing these few words of praise for this truly great work." —Swami Shankarananda, Rishikesh, India "Revelations of Christ liberates Jesus' message from the sepulcher of religious bigotry and small-mindedness. Revelations, like Francis of Assisi in the thirteenth century, resurrects the spirit of Christ. This is a book that all spiritual seekers can rejoice in and treasure." —Richard Salva, author of The Reincarnation of Abraham Lincoln and Walking with William of Normandy: A Paramhansa Yogananda Pilgrimage Guide

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