Your Sun Sign as a Spiritual Guide
What sets this book apart from other astrology titles is Kriyananda’s focus on the spiritual potential of each “sun sign,” rather than focusing mainly on the karmic limitations. It is so common to hear generalizations such as: Leo is proud, and Taurus is stubborn. In his book Kriyananda shows how, with awareness, attention, and will, one can cultivate the higher potential of his sign, leading to greater fulfillment and success. Leo can shine as a channel of light and creativity, without pride, if he remembers that Spirit (not ego) is the doer. Taurus can be the essence of loyalty and perseverance, without being stubborn, if he develops an inner fixity of purpose while practicing an outward flexibility. In other words, the horoscope shows karmic patterns of energy. We can learn to work with these energies and develop their more refined, higher octaves, which will then magnetize new possibilities into our lives.
The fundamental point is that the horoscope shows one’s karmic energy situation, but not who he really is—the spiritual Self within. Kriyananda’s approach is to encourage and inspire one’s Self to awaken, and to express itself through the sun sign. Within each of us is vast potential to be awakened. Your Sun Sign as a Spiritual Guide is a beautifully inspiring book that will open doors and encourage one in this direction.
This book also guides the seeker to an understanding of the subtle aspects of the spiritual path as it manifests for him through his particular sun sign. Yogic understanding is rich and often runs counter to prevailing thought. So too with astrology, the reader will find vistas of understanding opening as he takes the words and guidance of this yogic view of astrology to heart. This book reassures the reader that sun-sign weaknesses can be spiritual strengths if pursued rightly. It also warns one not to rest on the laurels of sun-sign strengths, but to go much deeper. Concentrated, deep wisdom is available to the seeker in this brief, easy-to-digest book that helps the reader to understand himself and others from a higher perspective.
What Others Are Saying |
Reader Comments "I’ve read a number of astrology books, but none of them contained the depth of insight expressed in this one. Probably like you, through friends and family I’m familiar with all the sun signs, and for each one I have to say that Swami Kriyananda hit the nail on the head. His chapter on my own sun sign taught me a lot about myself; the others taught me a great deal about humanity. I feel that out of all his books, this particular one showcases Kriyananda’s genius best. Though not a practicing astrologer, he is able to plumb the depths of the subject as few astrologers can. Each sun sign has its tendencies to strengths and weaknesses, and the author shows the reader how to deepen the former and minimize the latter. Highly recommended for anyone who wants to understand himself and other people better."
More: "It's really inspiring to read a book on astrology with such a loving emphasis on the spiritual side." "I had been an astrologer for seven years when I first came across Your Sun Sign as a Spiritual Guide. It elevated my approach to astrology and strengthened and focused my spiritual search." "The author's words have a down-to-earth, balanced loving quality that reaches the core of my being." "This book, so beautifully written, with such simplicity and clarity, was just what I needed." "This book helped me understand how the universe fits together and how much we are affected by the planets. I liked best the discussion of the spiritual potential in each sun sign, the suggestions for personal growth and pitfalls to watch out for." |

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